1 minute read

Here are our Code Fellows instructor and students’ favorite resources for learning Angular JS beyond the classroom:

  1. ng-book is a favorite for in-depth coverage.

    Pretty much the most detailed content that I’ve found, not only on building angular apps, but the internals of how Angular works, and how to best use all the moving pieces of angular – Tyler Morgan, Code Fellows JavaScript Instructor

  2. Joe Eames’s Pluralsight Course

    The best part of Joe’s course is watching his workflow. It shows how to actually build a real angular app. – Tyler

  3. Johnny Tran’s ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ANGULARJS playlist.

    They are organized topically by feature, so good for beginners and going back and reviewing a specific piece, like a directive. And, it’s free. – Jeff Adelman, Code Fellows JavaScript Teachers’ Assistant

  4. Egghead.io. I like that this starts out with lots of great free episode but offers an upgrade path that’s worth paying for. The video episodes are short and to the point, which makes them easy to review later.

  5. AngularJs Style Guide: Check out John Papa’s best practices for Angular JS. This handy guide lets you see how the professionals do it!

  6. Coming soon: Team Treehouse training on Angular JS. Team Treehouse has been an excellent resource for other topics, so I’m excited to see what they come up with for Angular.

Did I miss anything? What are your favorite resources for learning AngularJS? Let me know.